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Articles: Bob Elliot & Co Ltd Change Log
2.3.48 - offer terminology
2.3.48 - Changed offer system to display product names rather than codes

2.3.47 - Changed Basket button
2.3.47 - Changed Basket button from 'submit basket' to 'Next' allowing for better understanding of the order process.

2.3.46 - Made Text smaller on empty basket message
2.3.46 - Made Text smaller on empty basket message by request of client

2.3.45 - silver header bars
2.3.45 - silver header bars added to home page for special offer notices

2.3.44 - View All Issue fixed
2.3.44 - View All was not displaying view all, this has now been resolved.

2.3.43 - Monthly Offer Order
2.3.43 - Monthly Offer Order changed from z - a to z - a

2.3.42 - Lighter colours
2.3.42 - Lighter colours on header login / logout links

2.3.41 - New Site
2.3.41 - Site Totally renovated with new menu system, headers and footers. With Major new features including....

1.3.41 - Menu Enhancments
1.3.41 - The menu which is powered by a large section of javascript has been updated with the new pages, Reviews, Clearance and Monthly Offers.

1.3.40 - Offers System
1.3.40 - Added Monthly Offers Page allowing users to browse items on current monthly offer by category, this feature noted as major as this brings.....

1.2.38 - Monthly Offers Engine
1.2.38 - Added Engine to allow admins to send products to Monthly offers section using new features

1.2.37 - Wording etc
1.2.37 - Reworded 'account name' to 'username' throughout login system

1.2.36 - Monthly Offer Database work
1.2.37 - Added Monthly Offer Database elements to allow the development of the new monthly offer section of site.

1.2.35 - Clearance page
1.2.35 - Clearance page allows users to view all items in clearance order by category with headers in the same way as the reviews page, This Changes information depending on logged in status etc.

1.2.34 - Quick Admin Tool for clearance
1.2.34 - Quick Admin Tool for clearance on viewing product detail page next to the delete/variations/edit links allowing a 1 click method to send a product to clearance