Articles Hierarchy
Articles: Bob Elliot & Co Ltd Change Log
1.2.18 - Scheduled offers system
1.1.18 - Scheduled offers system allowing admins to schedule special offers to automatically enable and disable between a set time, including notices on home page and baskets.

1.1.17 - Logging system
1.1.17 - Logging system allowing us to track all our clients movements on the site, not as ominous as it sounds...

1.1.16 - improved downtime system
1.0.16 - improved downtime system allowing a custom message to be displayed to visitors but allowing admins to continue using the site...

1.1.15 - Improved links
1.0.15 - Improved links including new link on admin links, a login link on the special offers "please login to view offer" text etc

1.1.14 - Delete Special Offer
1.0.14 - Delete Special Offer ability in the event that no offer is wanted

1.1.13 - Special Offer alerts
1.0.13 - Special Offer alerts on home page (for logged in users) and admin panels allowing people to see what offers are in place if any

1.1.12 - Basket - Special Offers system
1.0.12 - Basket - Special Offers system automatically adding items as set up by tool implemented in version 1.0.11. this includes adding special offer to detail, submit and order copy views.

1.0.11 - Special offer setup
1.0.11 - Added feature to set up special offers in database allowing the pending basket enhancments to take place

1.0.10 - made site wider
1.0.10 - made site wider in preparation for a few pending improvements including thumbnails on search results and category listings......

1.0.09 - search tips if nothing is found
1.0.09 - search tips if nothing is found by serch engine, basically telling the user to search for things longer than 3 letters....

1.0.08 - Search by supplier logic for 'and'
1.0.08 - Search by supplier logic for 'and' and '&' allowing more intelligent results if none are found with 'and' it now trys '&' and vica versa.

1.0.07 - footer centralization
1.0.07 - footer centralization allowing all pages within the site to use the same one include file allowing the footer to be modified with...

1.0.06 - Edit product categories - Edit items to enable the changing of category and sub category

1.0.05 - clickable image for larger view - clickable image for larger view on product detail view

1.0.04 - registered users statistics
1.0.04 - registered users statistics for admin users allowing admins to track the number of reps, admins and normal members.